Self Defense Tip of the Day

Lock the Door Behind You

Make it an absolute rule of thumb that when you get into your car, lock the door immediately (if nothing else, just use the remote you’ve already got in your hand to lock up, too). When you come in from outside, lock the door immediately. When you go into a bathroom stall – lock first THEN find a place to put your bag. Too often bad guys don’t get you when you’re going INTO the building or car, but will wait until you think you’re safe and relax your guard, and then open that door and you’re stuck.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Trust Your Instincts

Trust your gut. If you feel something weird about a situation, get out of it. If you have a sense of dread about walking into a dark area, don’t – find some light. If a person is giving you cause to be concerned, excuse yourself from the conversation or cross the street to get away from them. I’m not talking about paranoia, I’m talking about that instinct that we tend to push aside – the hair raising on the back of your neck, goosebumps on your arms…all telling you to flee!

Self Defense Tip of the Day

How to get out of a car and not flash, Savvy Spice fashion blog simple city tips, Jody Steliga
If you feel that you are being followed, drive to the nearest police station, or the nearest well-lit service station, and honk your horn repeatedly until you attract attention. Whatever you do, don’t go home. Make sure your pursuers are gone, before you drive home.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Steady yourself if danger threatens. Panic can disable you, so again it’s useful to learn how to keep control in a difficult situation. And if you must fight back, adopt what police term the “bash and dash” approach. Primary targets are the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, throat, groin, knees or shins; choose whichever is easiest to get to.