Self Defense Tip of the Day

Lock the Door Behind You

Make it an absolute rule of thumb that when you get into your car, lock the door immediately (if nothing else, just use the remote you’ve already got in your hand to lock up, too). When you come in from outside, lock the door immediately. When you go into a bathroom stall – lock first THEN find a place to put your bag. Too often bad guys don’t get you when you’re going INTO the building or car, but will wait until you think you’re safe and relax your guard, and then open that door and you’re stuck.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Elbow Strike:
In order to enhance your personal safety, you need to know one more self-defense move, known as the elbow strike. In case the attacker is behind, holding you, simply raise the elbow and move it behind with full force to hit the assailant. An elbow strike can be quite devastating, and will force the attacker to leave you immediately.
Read more at Buzzle:

Self Defense Tip of the Day

50 Facts About Rape

21.Percentage of men who have been raped: 3 percent
22.Percentage of rapists who are never incarcerated: 97 perent
23.Percentage of rapes that college students think are false claims: 50 percent
24.Percentage of rapes that studies find are false claims: 2-8 percent
25.Number of rapes reported in the military last year: 16,500
26.Pentagon’s estimated percentage of military assuaults not reported: 80-90 percent
27.Percentage of military rape victims who were gang raped/raped more than once: 14%/20%

Self Defense Tip of the Day

50 Facts About Rape

14.Number of adult men accused of repeatedly gang raping 11-year-old girl in Texas: 14
15.Quote in the New York Times regarding the rape: “They said she dressed older than her age.”
16.Age of woman raped in Central Park in September, 2012: 73
17.Number of rape kits left untested in Detroit, listed by Forbes as one of two the most dangerous places for woman to live in the US: 11,303
18.U.S. state in which, in September 2012, mentally disabled rape victim was required to provide evidence of her “kicking, biting, scratching” in objection to her rape: Connecticut
19.State seeking to reduce childcare welfare benefits to women cannot provide proof of their pregnancy-causing rapes: Pennsylvannia
20.Percentage of sexual assault and rape victims under the age of 12: 15 percent

Self Defense Tip of the Day

50 Facts About Rape

1.Low estimate of the number of women , according to the Department of Justice, raped every year: 300,000
2.High estimate of the number of women raped, according to the CDC: 1.3 million
3.Percentage of rapes not reported: 54 percent
4.A woman’s chance of being raped in the U.S.: 1 in 5
5.Chances that a raped woman conceives compared to one engaging in consensual sex: at least two times as likely