Self Defense Tip of the Day

If they’re already close… Go for the eyes. Put your thumbs over his eyes and start pushing, as hard as you can. If you can’t do that, claw and scratch as best you can.

Self Defense Tip of the Day


Is that phone call or text to your best friend about the Walmart chick you saw wearing nude colored leggings REALLY as important as your safety? That call/text can wait until you are in your car safely (with the doors locked). Not only are you able to be aware of your surroundings by any human threat, but you can pay attention to the traffic around you and not get run over. If you’ve got the kids in tow as well, you aren’t giving them your undivided attention in a potentially dangerous situation. Keep your phone handy to call for help, but don’t be so tied to it that you can’t be aware of what’s going on around you the moments you need to be the most aware.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Lock the Door Behind You

Make it an absolute rule of thumb that when you get into your car, lock the door immediately (if nothing else, just use the remote you’ve already got in your hand to lock up, too). When you come in from outside, lock the door immediately. When you go into a bathroom stall – lock first THEN find a place to put your bag. Too often bad guys don’t get you when you’re going INTO the building or car, but will wait until you think you’re safe and relax your guard, and then open that door and you’re stuck.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Awareness Protects You: Your first line of defence. Most people think of kicks to the groin and blocking punches when they hear the term “self-defence.” However, true self-defence begins long before any actual physical contact. The first, and probably most important, component in self-defence is awareness: awareness of yourself, your surroundings, and your potential attacker’s likely strategies.
I LOVE THIS! This is the reason I started 4thegirls, because one does not have to be Wonder Women to defend herself she just needs to be AWARE of what could happen.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Fight – Women who resist attacks and act quickly are less likely to be raped, than those who are passive. The optimum time to react is in the first 20 seconds when the body releases chemicals in the blood that help to put up a fight. Be cautious if he has a weapon.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

50 Facts About Rape

36.Number of women raped in 1990s Bosnian conflict: 60,000+
37.Number of women raped per hour in Congo during war: 48
38.Country where 12 year old was forced to participate in the rape of his mother: U.S.
39.Country where women are imprisoned for being raped: Afghanistan
40.Age of Moroccan rape victim who committed suicide after being forced to marry her rapist: 16
41.Worldwide number of “child brides” under the age of 18 forced to marry every day: 25,000
42.Ages of girls forced to marry a 59-year-old at the Tony Alamo Christian Ministry in Arkansas: 8, 14, 15
43.Estimated number of people, primarily children, sexually abused by priests in the U.S. versus the number of senior Catholic officials found guilty of sexual abuse related crimes in the U.S.: 10,667 to 1