Self Defense Tip of the Day

If they’re already close… Go for the eyes. Put your thumbs over his eyes and start pushing, as hard as you can. If you can’t do that, claw and scratch as best you can.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Parents Teach your TEENS:
Flight or fight- In the animal kingdom there are two basic reactions to a perceived threat to one’s safety. People like animals have the option to either fight or flee an attacker. Fighting off an attacker should be the last resort for teens and adults alike. In most cases the victim is caught unaware, while the attacker has the advantage of surprise, motive and adrenaline. Whenever possible it is best to run away (making as much noise as possible) in search of safety. This is not always possible, but in situations where escape is possible, it is the best option.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

thCAEWUPKFMaintain a Personal Comfort Zone. No stranger or hostile relation is allowed to get closer than 5 feet to you without vetting or permission. Period. If they do, attack the attacker Practice a relaxed, non-threatening listening stance you can explode from.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Ask for identification of all service personnel before opening the door. If you have not requested service, ask for the office phone number and name of dispatcher. First validate the phone number by checking it in the phone directory, then call the office to verify employment. If you have doubts, do not open the door. There are companies that send you emails with a picture of the persons coming to service your home.