Self Defense Tip of the Day

Part of self-defense is learning techniques that will help reduce the odds of an attack. Don’t be afraid to trust your own gut instincts about a situation. Assertiveness and the ability to handle verbal confrontation are also important and can defuse a fight before it starts. These skills can be taught even if you think you are shy. A 2004 study found that self-defense classes improved womens abilities to defend themselves not only physically but also verbally.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

No stranger gets in your house. Ever. Even if it’s a little girl screaming to use your phone to call her daddy because her mommy’s lying in the road bleeding to death. Call 911 for her.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Attack When You’re Being Attacked

Your instincts are made to protect you. There is one instinct though that will most likely lead to your destruction when your attacker is near you: running away. Sure running away helps, but only when your attacker is a good distance away. Rather than retreating, advance. In a typical scenario where your attacker is the one who feels he is the predator and you’re the prey, he doesn’t expect you to fight back at all. If you react quick enough, you’ll be able to surprise him and open up opportunities to deliver damage.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Myth: As long as children remember to stay away from strangers, they are in no danger of being assaulted.
FACT: Sadly, children are usually assaulted by acquaintances; a family member or other caretaking adult. Children are usually coerced into sexual activity by their assailant, and are manipulated into silence by the assailant’s threats and/or promises, as well as their own feelings of guilt.