Self Defense Tip of the Day


Is that phone call or text to your best friend about the Walmart chick you saw wearing nude colored leggings REALLY as important as your safety? That call/text can wait until you are in your car safely (with the doors locked). Not only are you able to be aware of your surroundings by any human threat, but you can pay attention to the traffic around you and not get run over. If you’ve got the kids in tow as well, you aren’t giving them your undivided attention in a potentially dangerous situation. Keep your phone handy to call for help, but don’t be so tied to it that you can’t be aware of what’s going on around you the moments you need to be the most aware.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Parents Teach your TEENS:
Flight or fight- In the animal kingdom there are two basic reactions to a perceived threat to one’s safety. People like animals have the option to either fight or flee an attacker. Fighting off an attacker should be the last resort for teens and adults alike. In most cases the victim is caught unaware, while the attacker has the advantage of surprise, motive and adrenaline. Whenever possible it is best to run away (making as much noise as possible) in search of safety. This is not always possible, but in situations where escape is possible, it is the best option.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

thCAEWUPKFMaintain a Personal Comfort Zone. No stranger or hostile relation is allowed to get closer than 5 feet to you without vetting or permission. Period. If they do, attack the attacker Practice a relaxed, non-threatening listening stance you can explode from.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

thCAE2BUI9Safety in numbers- It is not a hard and fast rule, but generally speaking there is safety in numbers. A group of students walking home from school should, in theory, be less of a target than the single person who walks alone. Whenever possible avoid situations where you are alone or separated from the public or groups of people.