Self Defense Tip of the Day


Use your sixth sense. “Sixth sense.” “Gut instinct.” Whatever you call it, your intuition is a powerful subconscious insight into situations and people. All of us, especially women, have this gift, but very few of us pay attention to it. Learn to trust this power and use it to your full advantage. Avoid a person or a situation which does not “feel” safe–you’re probably right.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

thCAHRZEG6Teach your children the “What if…?” Game, making up different dangerous situations that they might encounter and helping them play out what they would do in that situation.
Take the time to talk to your children and be alert to any noticeable changes in their behavior or attitude toward an adult or teenager; it may be a sign of sexual abuse.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Human Body Weak Spot
The weak spots given below are easy to hit, and cause serious damage to the attacker. However, if you are stuck in a situation where you are being attacked from behind then other weak spots like toes or instep should be aimed for hitting.

Nose: This is a very delicate area, and when hit hard enough it bleeds. A strike to the nose can stun your attacker. When hit hard, it can cause lot of pain, and make the eyes to tear and blur vision. Combined with a blow to the ears or eyes, a blow on the nose can take your attacker down.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Tip from Tae Kwon Do : The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do!

Brad Steiner: While this is a good point, it may not be the best tip for someone unskilled in karate. It does take a bit of dexterity and training before the elbow, per se, may be employed reliably as a weapon — especially by a woman in normal attire, against a large, strong male. I would recommend driving open and extended fingers-to-eyes, or using a chinjab followed by raising the elbow of the striking arm and then eye-gouging. BITING, if grabbed hold of, and kicking like crazy, is also good. Just opening the hand and whipping a surprise handaxe to the throat is also good. Head butting is effective. I would prefer these methods because, for the complete novice, they are more likely to be delivered with sufficient force and effectiveness to facilitate escape.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Someone Grabs Your Wrist
You are walking down the street or are alone in an empty office, someone tries to grab your wrist. You should not panic and immediately raise your captured arm as high as you possibly can and give him a strong knee kick on his genitals. Forget your wrist, the assailant will be busy grabbing his balls! You can even flip his wrist backwards, or slip your body under his arm and with a grip on his wrist, try bending his arm the wrong way upwards.