Self Defense Tip of the Day

Awareness Protects You: Your first line of defence. Most people think of kicks to the groin and blocking punches when they hear the term “self-defence.” However, true self-defence begins long before any actual physical contact. The first, and probably most important, component in self-defence is awareness: awareness of yourself, your surroundings, and your potential attacker’s likely strategies.
I LOVE THIS! This is the reason I started 4thegirls, because one does not have to be Wonder Women to defend herself she just needs to be AWARE of what could happen.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

1. Mentally Prepare Yourself

Preparing for a violent attack is no different than preparing for any other emergency and denial can cost you your life. In the book You Are Not So Smart, author David McRaney tells the story of a couple who survived a large plane crash. The husband had mentally prepared for the emergency and was therefore able to quickly take action during the few moments between the plane hitting the ground and the explosion that followed, while his wife and the rest of the passengers were frozen by fear. He grabbed his wife’s hand and ran for safety, as everyone else sat in their seats unable to process the reality of the plane crash. By simply opening himself up to the possibility of danger, the man empowered himself to take action when the “unthinkable” happened.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Have a Plan

A black belt in martial arts isn’t required for you to defend yourself against an attacker. Take a self-defense seminar, or at the very least watch some videos online. Practice the techniques you learn and use mental imagery to plan a strategy for different scenarios. By contemplating threatening situations in this way, you are training your body and mind to act from a place of power instead of weakness and paranoia.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Follow Your Intuition

The best weapon you have is your sixth-sense. Although every animal is born with survival instincts, humans also have the ability to add judgment and everyday experience to our base intuition. This should make us superior to animals, but our judgment can sometimes get in the way. If we can’t explain our “gut feeling” in a logical way, we tend to brush it off as paranoia. By trusting your intuition, you will be able to learn the difference between real fear and worry. If you have a sense of foreboding, don’t second guess yourself. It is better to be safe than to ignore your instincts and become the victim of a violent crime.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

The best thing for women and children to do when confronted with violence, according to Kidpower, is to leave the situation, by running away, yelling or pulling away from the attacker. You might have to risk injury in order to escape from an attacker. If your attacker points a gun or knife at you, Kidpower indicates it is usually still safer to run away than to remain with the attacker. Resisting forcefully, and in as many ways as possible, can reduce your risks of coming to harm in an attack.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Being a victim of a sexual assault or Rape could suffer from:

Low Self Esteem
Drug Abuse
Fear of Men
Fear of Strangers
Fear to leave your house
Fear to get into your car
Feelings of Being Alone – No one understands unless they’ve been a victim
Lead to strained Romantic Relationships
Lead to Divorce
Disconnect from Friends, Family and Yourself
Eating Disorders
Self Mutilation
Years and Years of feeling or experiencing one or some or ALL of these things.
Please educate yourself!!!!!

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Trusting your own judgment can often help you avoid dangerous situations. If a situation or individual seems risky or untrustworthy, go with your gut instincts. Get off the subway and wait for another one if an individual in your car gives you a bad feeling. Run back to a more crowded area if you find yourself in an isolated stretch of a park. Your intuition and common sense are some of your most powerful self-defense strategies.