Self Defense Tip of the Day

Nose Strikes
Another good target is the nose. It does not take a lot of force to cause pain in the nose. A good technique for striking the nose is to use the heel of the palm. A good palm-heel strike should be done quickly and powerfully to the nose to stop an attacker. If a woman is being attacked from behind, the elbow can also be used to strike the nose. This rear elbow strike is performed by raising the elbow to the side and swiftly swinging it back into the attacker’s nose. When a person’s nose is struck, his natural reaction is usually to bring his hands to his nose. If his hands are on his nose, that means they are not grabbing the victim and the victim can escape.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

women running
Jogging Safety:

Jog with a partner.
Jog in familiar areas, and avoid secluded places.
Do not jog alone after dark.
Wear a reflective vest during hours of darkness.
Carry a whistle, personal alarm when you jog.
Always lock your door when you leave and carry a key, someone might be waiting for you to leave.
Always be aware of your surroundings.