Self Defense Tip of the Day

If you are attacked:
1. Stay active and keep thinking, “What can I do?”
2. Yell and make a scene—attackers often expect us to be silent. Use a loud voice to draw attention and to let the attacker know you will not be an easy target.
3. Strike for the eyes, nose, throat, knees, groin—all attackers have vulnerable places on their bodies.
4. Use things you have with you (keys, pens, bags) or things you can pick up (garbage, rocks) as weapons or shields.
5. As soon as the opportunity arises, get away.

Self Defense Tip of the day

Don’t hesitate to ask a security guard to walk you to your car.

If you are shopping at night, and the crowds at the mall have thinned out for the day, taking an extra step to stay safe is always a good idea. Or, plan ahead and pay the few extra dollars to valet park your car so you do not have to walk alone with arms full of bags.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Brain
The most important self defense weapon a woman has is her brain. It needs to be “trained” and “honed”. You need to train yourself to consider self defense situations where ever you are. I done mean obsess about it. Just give it some thought. Are there places here or people here that you should avoid? Even if you can’t quite explain why (hey,who’s asking, anyway?
If you are not “prepared” for a situation your thoughts can cause you to freeze. NOT GOOD! You must react FAST. No time to start thinking about what to do now. A plan should have been already formed. Yell! Move! Do something unexpected and as soon as possible- RUN!