Self Defense Tip of the Day

Someone Puts Arms Around Your Chest from Behind

You may face this situation when walking down the street, waiting for bus, in your office or home, when the assailant sneaks up from behind and puts his arms around your chest. Do not worry how strong or big the attacker is, just grab his left wrist with your left hand and jab your right elbow into his ribs. Simultaneously you can even stamp his feet with your heel. Way to go, girl power! Or you can stamp with all mighty force on his feet and then hit him under the chin with a sharp elbow blow. This will make him go off-balance and give you a chance to run.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

If you are attacked:
1. Stay active and keep thinking, “What can I do?”
2. Yell and make a scene—attackers often expect us to be silent. Use a loud voice to draw attention and to let the attacker know you will not be an easy target.
3. Strike for the eyes, nose, throat, knees, groin—all attackers have vulnerable places on their bodies.
4. Use things you have with you (keys, pens, bags) or things you can pick up (garbage, rocks) as weapons or shields.
5. As soon as the opportunity arises, get away.