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Self Defense Tip of the Day

Businesswoman giving thumbs up
If you use your car at a drive-thru ATM machine the same rules apply. Keep the car in gear, with your foot firmly on the brake, while using the ATM machine. Keep a close eye on your rear and side view mirrors during the transaction. Robbers almost always approach from the rear on the driver’s side. If you see anyone approaching, drive off even if it means leaving your ATM card behind. If an armed robber confronts you, just give up your money without argument. The cash is not worth serious injury or death. Get to a safe place and call the police immediately.

About 4thegirls1

My name is Aurora. I am a Professional Speaker, and my goal is to educate and motivate women to become more aware of the violence that takes place against us. As women, we are moving in 10 million directions with work, motherhood, being a wife or being single trying to survive in this world in which we live. Ladies, violence affects us no matter what our race, ethnicity, social origin, birth or other status. Women that survive an attack do so because they know how to deal with what was happening to them, they either read about it or took a self-defense class. Ladies, the key to protect you and your loved ones is AWARENESS. In the state of Va. in 2007, there were 411 offenses of Murder/Nonnegligent Manslaughter, while Forcible Sex offenses were 5,317. How does your state or country add up? There’s so much we can do to de-escalate situations before they happen. To learn more about my seminars and self-defense class, please call 757-450-6123 and check out 1111aurora on Youtube. Check out my pages. BE SAFE 4thegirls,LLC

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