Self Defense Tip of the Day

Show your anger, not your fear. A furious reaction often may stop an attack. Remember an attacker is looking for an easy victim. Yelling is always a good deterrent (a good choice is to yell FIRE) this will draw attention to those who do not want to get involved but may be concerned for their own safety and may come to help.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Cupped Hands:
For self-protection, the cupped hand strike is indeed beneficial as it can force the assailant to pull back. The impact is similar to a tight slap. In this technique, the hand is cupped (curvature in the hand). Also referred as ‘ear concussive blow’, or ‘boxing the ears’, here one has to strike the ear to damage the eardrum severely. Most people are unable to bear the excruciating pain associated with a ear concussive blow, thus giving you sufficient time to escape from the situation.
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Self Defense Tip of the Day

How to get out of a car and not flash, Savvy Spice fashion blog simple city tips, Jody Steliga
If you feel that you are being followed, drive to the nearest police station, or the nearest well-lit service station, and honk your horn repeatedly until you attract attention. Whatever you do, don’t go home. Make sure your pursuers are gone, before you drive home.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Elbow Strike:
In order to enhance your personal safety, you need to know one more self-defense move, known as the elbow strike. In case the attacker is behind, holding you, simply raise the elbow and move it behind with full force to hit the assailant. An elbow strike can be quite devastating, and will force the attacker to leave you immediately.
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