Self Defense Tip of the Day

50 Facts About Rape

1.Low estimate of the number of women , according to the Department of Justice, raped every year: 300,000
2.High estimate of the number of women raped, according to the CDC: 1.3 million
3.Percentage of rapes not reported: 54 percent
4.A woman’s chance of being raped in the U.S.: 1 in 5
5.Chances that a raped woman conceives compared to one engaging in consensual sex: at least two times as likely

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Educate Yourself!!!!!!!!!!

Rape Is Grossly Underreported In The U.S., Study Finds
Rape has been widely underreported in America, according to a new panel study by the National Research Council.
After comparing several official methods for counting rape and sexual assault, the panel discovered major inconsistencies in national data.
The focal point of the study was the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) — an annual crime report conducted through household surveys by the U.S. Census Bureau for the Bureau of Justice Statistics — which counted 188,380 victims of rape and sexual assault in 2010. Another data source, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, counted nearly 1.3 million incidents that same year. Data from the FBI, which gathers its statistics on rape or attempted rape reported as a crime by local law enforcement, counted only 85,593 in 2010.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Teach your children that their body is private and no one has the right to touch them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. If anyone touches them in a wrong way they should: SAY NO, GET AWAY, and TELL SOMEONE they trust.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Never act or appear to be an easy target. Don’t look like a victim. Most guys who assault women are not all that smart but they are not stupid either. Someone who is walking with their head down, with and an uncertain gait presents an easy target.