Self Defense Tip of the Day

Self Defense Tip of the Day
Trust your intuition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Intuition is that little nudge that tells you something might not be quite right. If a person feels uncomfortable to you, even if you can’t put your finger on why, listen to that feeling. We are taught not to judge people without knowing them and not to be rude, but if your inner voice is telling you something’s not right, being a tad rude is better than being assaulted.
If you feel uncomfortable, leave the area or situation immediately or move to a more brightly lit or populated area and mingle amongst the crowd. NEVER go home if you feel you are being followed –

Self Defense Tip of the Day


You can avoid becoming a victim by avoiding places and situations where an attack may be more likely to occur. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption as well as walking through alleys and poorly lit areas. If you have to go out at night, bring a companion, talk on your cell phone while walking, drive on well-traveled routes and park under lights. But sometimes you unknowingly enter a dangerous situation or despite your avoidance efforts, you become threatened anyway. Knowing some fighting techniques can protect you from attack or minimize injury.

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Self Defense Tip of the Day

You can avoid becoming a victim by avoiding places and situations where an attack may be more likely to occur. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption as well as walking through alleys and poorly lit areas. If you have to go out at night, bring a companion, talk on your cell phone while walking, drive on well-traveled routes and park under lights. But sometimes you unknowingly enter a dangerous situation or despite your avoidance efforts, you become threatened anyway. Knowing some fighting techniques can protect you from attack or minimize injury.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Take a self defense class.
Of course, none of these basic self defense tips will guarantee you won’t be assaulted. A basic self defense course is always a good investment in case you are assaulted. Many local police departments offer basic self defense classes for free or at low cost, and any martial arts training centers should have basic self defense courses. The domestic violence centers can probably tell you where to find self defense classes.
These classes will teach you techniques to escape an assailant so you can make it to safety. These classes are for men, women, and children, but some classes might be children only or women only, so that the class participants are more comfortable talking about personal fears.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Learn to use your voice. This is true of both men and women, though it is particularly important for women, since women’s voices tend to be higher pitched then men’s. If someone accosts you in public, scream – yell at them with a deep authoritative voice. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed to yell out loud.
Yell, “NO! Go away! Leave me alone!” i

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Walk with assurance and confidence!!!!!!!
It may seem like a simple thing, but it is proven that those who sexually or physically assault others actually watch for certain clues that make a potential victim look like an easy target. It’s much easier to sneak up and grab someone who walks with their head down, shuffling along, not paying attention to what is going on around them than it is to sneak up on someone who walks quickly, head held high, and looking around at their environment.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Have a cell phone.
Cell phones can be a distraction, but they have been known to save lives too. While you should not walk down the street or drive while talking on a cell phone, having a cell phone on your person can make a huge difference in case of an accident or assault. Purses and briefcases can be snatched, so it’s best to keep it in your pocket. The sooner you call for help, the faster help can arrive.