Self Defense Tip of the Day

Attack When You’re Being Attacked

Your instincts are made to protect you. There is one instinct though that will most likely lead to your destruction when your attacker is near you: running away. Sure running away helps, but only when your attacker is a good distance away. Rather than retreating, advance. In a typical scenario where your attacker is the one who feels he is the predator and you’re the prey, he doesn’t expect you to fight back at all. If you react quick enough, you’ll be able to surprise him and open up opportunities to deliver damage.

Self Defense Tip of Day

Be mysterious online. Posting social media updates about your whereabouts, even your class schedule, could allow someone to track your every move. If you wouldn’t give that information to a stranger, then don’t put it online.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Myth: As long as children remember to stay away from strangers, they are in no danger of being assaulted.
FACT: Sadly, children are usually assaulted by acquaintances; a family member or other caretaking adult. Children are usually coerced into sexual activity by their assailant, and are manipulated into silence by the assailant’s threats and/or promises, as well as their own feelings of guilt.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Be a good friend. Watch out for each other and stick together as much as possible. If, for whatever reason, you have to separate from your friends, let them know where you are going and who you are with. If a friend is acting out of character or is way too intoxicated, get him or her to a safe place. If you suspect that you or a friend has been drugged, call 911.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

If you see something, say something. If a situation seems questionable, intervene. By taking action you can prevent a crime from being committed. It can be difficult to know what to do, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes its helps to stop and take a deep breath. Remember, you can always contact your resident assistant, campus police or call 911.