Self Defense Tip of the Day

If you are attacked:
1. Stay active and keep thinking, “What can I do?”
2. Yell and make a scene—attackers often expect us to be silent. Use a loud voice to draw attention and to let the attacker know you will not be an easy target.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Always carry your keys in your hands. Fumbling for your keys while you’re walking to your car can make you an easy target. Be leave it or not some are still looking for keys.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Everything Can Be a Weapon

Guns, knives, and pepper sprays are not the only weapons available to you. Anything harder than your knuckles and sharper than your fingers is a good weapon. That’s why it’s advisable to always carry something that can serve as a weapon, like an umbrella or a pen. Stones on the ground are also useful, especially if the aggressor is a good distance away. The one rule you should remember is that hard objects should be smashed against bone, while pointed objects stabbed into soft tissue.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Use Your Head… Literally

Do you know that bashing your forehead into a thug’s nose once deals more damage than slamming your fist into his nose twice? The human skull is a powerful weapon. Notice that in boxing, a single headbutt is enough to open a cut in a boxer’s forehead than a flurry of punches. Your skull is hard and it’s also easy to move your head. By using your head, you can deal significant damage to your attacker using minimal effort. Headbutts are especially useful when someone grabs you from behind. Don’t waste your time and energy elbowing your attacker’s ribs or stepping on his toes. Instead, try bashing his face with the back of your head.