Self Defense Tip of the Day

Visit your college or university’s security office. Ask questions. Laws require colleges and universities to automatically provide current students and staff with basic campus crime statistics and security policies. Prospective students and staff are to be notified of the availability of this information and to be given it upon request.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

In most cases, women are attacked by someone they know. When leaving a party, club, or event, always leave with a group. DO NOT leave alone. You never know when someone who has been watching decides to take advantage of your isolation on your walk home or to your car. Remember, you can’t tell a troubled individual or criminal just by the way they look, act, or talk. In a surprising number of cases, women are attacked by a person they previously trusted.

Self Defense tip of the Day

Something is better than NOTHING!!!!!!!!! Learn some basic self defense tactics. If you cannot get to a class, you can use a training videos. There are many excellent ones that allow you to learn basic skills on your own schedule and from the comfort of your own home. Check out your public library.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Teach your child awareness!!!!!!!!
1. The first rule of self defense for children (and adults too!) is not to be there. It’s simple…
if you avoid trouble you don’t have to deal with it.
2. Explain this to your kids. Talk to them about ways to avoid confrontation at school. Teach them to be aware of other people’s behavior.
3. Explain to them how to recognize if someone is getting angry. This gives them the chance to be out of the way before any trouble starts.
4. Talk to your child about the company they keep. Talk about making friends with non-aggressive kids.
5. Talk to your teenager about unsafe areas of your town. And discuss the importance of staying with a group of trustworthy friends.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Exudes self-confidence. Once you have some self defense techniques under your belt. It will give you a newfound sense of self-confidence. It shows itself in the way you walk, and even in the way you talk.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

Know your routine- write down the places you frequently go to on a weekly basis. Your home, the parking garage at work, grocery store, favorite bar/restaurant, the metro station. Map out each one of these locations in your mind. If you were attacked, where would your exits be? Where could you run to for safety? What improvised weapons are available? If you visualize your plan ahead of time you can implement it faster if needed.