Self Defense Tip of The Day



One in four (1 in 4) girls will be a victim of at least an attempted sexual assault in their college years.
1 out of every 6 women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime
Women between the ages of 16-24 are at the highest risk (4 times more likely than any other age group to be a victim of a sexual assault.
A woman of any age can be a victim of a sexual assault.
An American is sexually assaulted every 2 minutes (2007 it was 2.5 minutes, now it is 1)
About 44% of rape victims are under the age of 18; about 15% are under the age of 12. and 80% are under the age of 30.
73% of rape victims know their assailant [they are NOT a stranger]. (National Crime Victimization Survey, 2005)

Be careful Ladies,young girls,teens,older women must rapes take place in the summer months

Self Defense Tip of the Day


Training in self defense helps people, especially women, develop more confidence in themselves and their surroundings. Self-defense training helps you learn to be more aware of your surroundings and to be prepared for the unexpected at any time. Knowing that you have the ability to defend yourself often helps you more fully explore the world, meet new people and find new ways to engage with others.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

women running

Jogging Safety:
Jog with a partner.
Jog in familiar areas, and avoid secluded places.
Do not jog alone after dark.
Wear a reflective vest during hours of darkness.
Carry a whistle, personal alarm when you jog.
Always lock your door when you leave and carry a key, someone might be waiting for you to leave.
Always be aware of your surroundings.

Self Defense Tip of the Day


Part of self-defense is learning techniques that will help reduce the odds of an attack. Don’t be afraid to trust your own gut instincts about a situation. Assertiveness and the ability to handle verbal confrontation are also important and can defuse a fight before it starts. These skills can be taught even if you think you are shy. A 2004 study found that self-defense classes improved womens abilities to defend themselves not only physically but also verbally.

Self Defense Tip of the Day


Trusting your own judgment can often help you avoid dangerous situations. If a situation or individual seems risky or untrustworthy, go with your gut instincts. Get off the subway and wait for another one if an individual in your car gives you a bad feeling. Run back to a more crowded area if you find yourself in an isolated stretch of a park. Your intuition and common sense are some of your most powerful self-defense strategies.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

The best thing for women and children to do when confronted with violence, according to Kidpower, is to leave the situation, by running away, yelling or pulling away from the attacker. You might have to risk injury in order to escape from an attacker. If your attacker points a gun or knife at you, Kidpower indicates it is usually still safer to run away than to remain with the attacker. Resisting forcefully, and in as many ways as possible, can reduce your risks of coming to harm in an attack.

Self Defense Tip of the Day


Safety Precautions
Taking steps to keep yourself safe when out and about is another important self-defense strategy, according to the National Crime Prevention Council. When you go out, project an aware, calm and confident attitude. Do not stare at other people aggressively or look away passively. Glance at them so they know you are aware of them and continue on your way. Stay with groups when you go out at night and walk or hang out in well-traveled, well-lit areas. When riding on public transportation, sit near the driver and stay alert. Never walk or jog early in the morning or late at night when the streets are empty.

Self Defense Tip of the Day


Eye Strikes
One of the most vulnerable targets on an attacker is his eyes. Striking the eyes is also easy for a woman to do. If attacked from the front, a woman can use a simple thrust of the fingers to the attacker’s eyes. She can also do a quick flicking motion with the fingers. Another possibility is to use the thumbs and drive them into his eyes. Striking the eyes causes pain and temporary blindness. This should give a woman enough time to get away from an attacker.

Self Defense Tip of the Day


Nose Strikes
Another good target is the nose. It does not take a lot of force to cause pain in the nose. A good technique for striking the nose is to use the heel of the palm. A good palm-heel strike should be done quickly and powerfully to the nose to stop an attacker. If a woman is being attacked from behind, the elbow can also be used to strike the nose. This rear elbow strike is performed by raising the elbow to the side and swiftly swinging it back into the attacker’s nose. When a person’s nose is struck, his natural reaction is usually to bring his hands to his nose. If his hands are on his nose, that means they are not grabbing the victim and the victim can escape.