Self Defense Tip for the Holidays

Be alert and confident
Most criminals looking for their victims during the holiday rush shopping prefer those who are easy targets – the ones who are alone, lost and unsure of themselves. In short, those who are weak and insecure enough not to put up a fight in case of an attack.

As a means to discourage an attack, a good self-defense technique is to act confident, walk tall and straight and move purposely. Speak in a clear, confident tone of voice. If you appear confident, you’ll look like a difficult target to a criminal.

Self Defense Tip of the Day

If you are attacked:
1. Stay active and keep thinking, “What can I do?”
2. Yell and make a scene—attackers often expect us to be silent. Use a loud voice to draw attention and to let the attacker know you will not be an easy target.
3. Strike for the eyes, nose, throat, knees, groin—all attackers have vulnerable places on their bodies.
4. Use things you have with you (keys, pens, bags) or things you can pick up (garbage, rocks) as weapons or shields.
5. As soon as the opportunity arises, get away.